
My Favorite Food | Like and Dislike

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about my favorite food (makanan kesukaanku).

My favorite food is pizza. I like (aku suka) pizza because it tastes (rasanya) delicious (lezat) and has (memiliki) many toppings (taburan-atas) like (seperti) cheese (keju), pepperoni (pepperoni), and vegetables (sayuran). I usually (saya biasanya) eat (makan) pizza with my family (dengan keluarga) on weekends (pada akhir pekan).

However (Tetapi), I don’t like (aku tidak sukabroccoli (brokoli). I think (menurutku) it tastes a little bitter (sedikit pahit), and I prefer (saya lebih suka) other vegetables (sayuran lain) like carrots (wortel) or potatoes (kentang).

Indonesian Food

nasi goreng

Useful Expressions

  1. I like …
  2. I don’t like…
  3. Do you like … ?
  4. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.


  • I like cheese. 
  • I don’t like tomato.
  • Do you like brocoli? No, I don’t.
  • Do you like fried rice? Yes, I do.

More Indonesian Food

Actually (sebenarny), many foods (banyak makanan) from different countries (dari negara-negara yang berbeda) cannot (tidak bisa) be directly (secara langsung) translated (diterjemahkan) into other languages (ke dalam bahasa yang lain). First (pertama), because (karena) they have names (mereka mempunyai nama) that are deeply rooted (yang berasal dari) in the local culture (budaya lokal) or tradition (atau tradisi lokal), like (seperti) sushi from Japan or rendang from Indonesia. Second (kedua), because Some foods (beberapa  makanan) don’t exist (tidak terdapat) in other countries (di negara lain), so there’s no (jadi, tidak ada) direct word (kata yang tepat) to describe (untuk menyebut) them (makanan itu). For example, tempeh is unique (hanya ada) to Indonesia. But (tetapi), if you still want (jika kamu masih ingin) to hear (mendengar) Indonesian food uttered (diucapkan) in English (dalam bahasa Inggris), here are (inilah) some Indonesian foods.

Main Dishes (Hidangan Utama)

  1. Fried Rice (nasi goreng)
  2. Chicken Soup (soto ayam)
  3. Spicy Beef Stew (rendang)
  4. Indonesian Vegetable Salad with Peanut Sauce (gado-gado)
  5. Meatballs (bakso)
  6. Chicken/Goat Satay (sate ayam/ sate kambing)
  7. Padang-style Rice with Various Dishes (nasi padang)
  8. Fried Noodles (mie goreng)
  9. Crushed Fried Chicken with Sambal (ayam geprek)
  10. Grilled Fish (ikan bakar)

Snacks and Side Dishes (Makanan Ringan dan Pendamping)

  1. Fried Tempeh (tempe goreng)
  2. Stuffed Tofu (tahu isi)
  3. Crackers (kerupuk)
  4. Fish Cake (Pempek)
  5. Spring Rolls (lumpia)
  6. Sweet Pancake (martabak manis)
  7. Savory Egg Pancake (martabak telur)
  8. Chewy Tapioca Balls (telur)
  9. Vegetable Fritters (bakwan)
  10. Fried Banana (pisang goreng)

Desserts (Makanan Penutup)

  1. Sweet Rice Cake Balls with Palm Sugar (klepon)
  2. Iced Sweet Drink with Green Jelly and Coconut Milk (es cendol)
  3. Mixed Shaved Ice Dessert (es teler)
  4. Coconut Pancakes (dadar gulung)
  5. Sweet Rice Porridge with Palm Sugar (bubur sumsum)

Beverages (Minuman)

  1. Sweet Tea (teh manis)
  2. Iced Orange Juice (es jeruk)
  3. Traditional Indonesian Coffee (kopi tubruk)
  4. Iced Pulled Tea (es teh tarik)
  5. Hot Coconut Milk Beverage (bajigur)


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